Published: July 7, 2012


DECORATIVE ARTS (English decorative art, fr. Art decoratif, it. Dekorative Kunst) - one of the main areas of plastic arts (along with architecture, visual arts). However, Decorative and applied art is а special kind of art, differing in their goals of easel painting and monumental art. Decorative art together with the surrounding architecture forms the subject of human material-spatial environment to which it makes aesthetic, imaginative beginning. Decorative art includes a wide range of art objects, images and symbols that are making an art organization in all spheres of life: it is divided into directly related to architecture, monumental and decorative art (architectural decoration, painting, decorative reliefs, statues, stained glass and mosaics on the facades and interiors, park sculpture, fountains, etc.), decorative and applied arts (art, household items), design art (decorating festivities, exhibits at trade shows and in museums, the city showcases, etc.). Artistic quality of products and decorative art. more fully disclosed in the perception of the ensemble, for which they are intended. Decorative art largely due to the art industry and have many common goals with the design, which differs from the method based on conventional systems, the master of individuality and uniqueness of his works.

By JenKiriakos,  


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