Nu in art and painting

Nude Study :: William Etty

Nude Study by artist William Etty - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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William Etty (1787-1849) Nude Study

Oil on canvas Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

Ozrinici Houses Are The Way To The Outstanding Life

Building a new vacation home from scratch gives homeowners the flexibility to include various features that are extremely beneficial in the long run. You need to look into the status of the current real estate market before looking into the possibility of buying a real estate in the region. Is there such place in Europe?

Since Ozrinici is the famous city in the foreclosures, families loves to buy a vacation home in here. Ozrinici is large [Expand]


User   User Rating: 400  April 25, 2019

An interesting study, essential and minimalist. The author portrayed only a naked girl in full growth, but tried to give maximum attention to the details of the body, to make her lively, realistic. And indeed, it looks very natural, dynamic, because the artist has not only managed to observe anatomical proportions, to show the figure in accordance with the chosen angle. He also carefully used chiaroscuro to depict the relief of bones, muscles, such as he did on the back or under the knees. Perhaps [Expand]


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