Romantic scenes in art and painting

A Duet :: Alessandro Sani

A Duet :: Alessandro Sani - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Alessandro Sani A Duet

Oil On Canvas 48.3 x 38.1 cm ( 19 x 15 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  September 10, 2018

A musical duet and, perhaps, a duet in life ... The smiles of these two, which are quite located on the faces of the characters, give out what pleasure is given by a joint game on instruments. Probably, they have long been fond of performing music in a duet, so they understand each other at a glance and literally talk among themselves, without uttering a word. Pleasant plot and nice art composition - soft, warm colors, harmonious combination of dark and light details, attention to detail - the decor [Expand]


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