Village life

The Gleaners :: Frederick Morgan

The Gleaners :: Frederick Morgan - Village life ôîòî
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Frederick Morgan (1847-1927) The Gleaners

Oil On Canvas -1880 75.5 x 50.1 cm ( 29,7 x 19,7 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  February 11, 2019

Realistic portrait of two girls who gather ears. They are depicted on a simple background, which is quite picturesque. Its upper half is the sky, the clouds on it create an original pattern, paint it in various tones - from gray-blue to yellow. The sky is like a brocade or jacquard canvas that is molded in various colors. And the lower part of the background is a field with cutted ears. If it is straightened with a cloth, then it is a mat, rough, simple, with visible interlacing. The feeling of roughness, [Expand]


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