User   User Rating: 400  February 13, 2019
The banal scene of feeding the calf with milk, but it is depicted unusually elegant and cute. Perhaps a woman’s clothes give the impression of a certain elegance, her dress has a character, and a hat adds to the image of accuracy and composure, it is felt that for this woman it is important to look good at any moment of the day, even if only calves can see it. This carefulness in clothes gives grounds to believe that order reigns at home and that animals are always well-groomed and fed. The artist [Expand]
skillfully depicted the hair on the body of the calves, it is a little disheveled and looks very soft and fluffy. Calves are thin, but well-groomed, and the houses and the fence in the background also look neat, although completely ordinary and simple. Probably, the heroine of the canvas lives modestly, if not poorly, but pays great attention to the household and diligently cares for it.
The banal scene of feeding the calf with milk, but it is depicted unusually elegant and cute. Perhaps a woman’s clothes give the impression of a certain elegance, her dress has a character, and a hat adds to the image of accuracy and composure, it is felt that for this woman it is important to look good at any moment of the day, even if only calves can see it. This carefulness in clothes gives grounds to believe that order reigns at home and that animals are always well-groomed and fed. The artist [Expand]