Village life

The Harvesting of the Hay :: Julien Dupre

The Harvesting of the Hay by artist Julien Dupre - Village life ôîòî
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Julien Dupre (1851-1910) La Recolte Des Foins [The Harvesting of the Hay]

Oil on canvas, 1881 (65.4 x 81.3 cm)( 25,7 x 32 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  February 3, 2019

The picture is similar to an illustration of a book, resembles a sketch. The heroes of the composition are depicted in such a way that it becomes clear that harvesting hay is difficult. The girl in the foreground slouches a little, and either stops, or her movements are slow, because she is already tired. The man behind her carries hay, bent on his weight. It can say that the canvas is realistic, it captured the moment of rural work as it is, without a romantic touch.


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