men's portraits 16th century

Warrior with Equerry :: Cavazzola

Warrior with Equerry by artist Cavazzola  - men's portraits 16th century ôîòî
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Cavazzola (1486-1522) Warrior with Equerry

Oil on wood, 1518-1522 (90 x 73 cm)( 35,4 x 28,7 inch ) Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

[ Nobleman in a black expensive armour and with we throw. On a table a knightly helmet. ]

image: Public domain

Submitted by: JenKiriakos

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User   User Rating: 400  May 8, 2019

The picture is quite progressive for its time. This is a portrait of a warrior, in which great attention is paid to the personality of the man. Yes, he is depicted with a weapon in his hand, next to the armor, with a servant, that of course create a standard entourage, complement the image of a brave knight with a certain social status. But in this canvas, the author tried to portray the man himself - his face, look. The artist captured only the upper body of the hero, so the face is rather large, [Expand]


Ann   User Rating: 160  November 17, 2019

This warrior does not cause me sympathy. He looks at me indifferently and selfishly, narcissistically


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