Perhaps it is quite typical portrait image for painting in the 16th century. It is like an illustration to a historical book or a fairy tale, because it does not look quite natural. There is a certain disproportion in the figure of the hero, some exaggeration of the features of the silhouette in general and of the facial features in particular. Writing a face the artist slightly weighed down his lower part (chin) and overdid with the contrast of light and shadow. Because of this, the face looks unnatural, [Expand]
a little caricature. And in the composition as a whole, still there is no that subtlety and grace in the transfer of textures, glare, as by the later masters. The portrait looks a bit flat, but it gives it a certain charm, a touch of antiquity, of the Middle Ages.
Ann   User Rating: 160  November 17, 2019
This man looks strange, my attention is attracted to his jewelry in the form of the letter "A". It also seems ridiculous to him his robe with fur and а hat
Perhaps it is quite typical portrait image for painting in the 16th century. It is like an illustration to a historical book or a fairy tale, because it does not look quite natural. There is a certain disproportion in the figure of the hero, some exaggeration of the features of the silhouette in general and of the facial features in particular. Writing a face the artist slightly weighed down his lower part (chin) and overdid with the contrast of light and shadow. Because of this, the face looks unnatural, [Expand]
This man looks strange, my attention is attracted to his jewelry in the form of the letter "A". It also seems ridiculous to him his robe with fur and а hat