Balls and receptions

Valsen :: Anders Zorn

Valsen by artist Anders Zorn  - Balls and receptions ôîòî
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Anders Zorn (1860-1920) Valsen

Oil on canvas 1891 338.582 x 496.824 cm ( 133,3 x 195,3 inch )

Biltmore Estate (Asheville, North Carolina, United States)

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  March 4, 2018

Anders Zorn's painting immediately attracts attention with its contrast composition. The picture is divided into two parts - light and dark, although a one whole space is shown, only partially separated by a curtain. But this duality is so striking that it's hard to believe that the artist's goal was just a light contrast. In the lighted zone there is a ball, couples are dancing, fun reigns here, it's a holiday and everything is obvious. In the shaded space, people's mood is not very clear, and the [Expand]


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