Sea landscapes with ships

Venice :: Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovsky

Venice by artist Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovsky - Sea landscapes with ships ôîòî
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Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900) Venice

Oil on canvas -1874 170 x 130 cm ( 66,9 x 51,1 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Diana   User Rating: 2075  November 12, 2020

You can also go to the ice – from South Africa, New Zealand and mainly from South America, cruises to the coast of Antarctica are performed. This is the season for such trips – because it's summer in the southern hemisphere. Or you can go on a round-the-world cruise. Several ships almost continuously plow the world's oceans, and you can either buy a trip between, say, America and Australia, or you can - if money and time allow – just sail around the ball.

Offers for such tours start from 4 thousand [Expand]


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