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Published: January 17, 2020

landscape “Harvest. The Valley of La Cro" by Van Gogh

landscape “Harvest. The Valley of La Cro

The artwork was created by the author in 1888, during the most fruitful period of the artist’s work. During this period, among several masterpieces made in the style of post-impressionism, the painting “Harvest. The Valley of La Cro.

The painter drew inspiration from the magnificent nature of Provence. This is a very special part of France, often called the corner of paradise on Earth - the climate and nature are so magnificent here, filled with the aromas of flowers and the refreshing winds of the Mediterranean.

The landscape sketch was made in a manner characteristic of the artist - a bright, juicy color scheme, multi-layered colors are used. Four main colors were chosen for the Harvest: blue, green, white, yellow.

The main technique of the artist’s work is clearly visible in the picture - uneven brush work, placement of the main tone and numerous shades in a planar display. Van Gogh believed that so the painter can convey movement, dynamics, give the viewer the opportunity to feel the energy of his works.

Another important feature is the complete absence of shadows, which makes the artist’s paintings similar in execution to the famous Japanese engraving. Light spreads over the picture, not meeting obstacles, filling with itself the entire space of the canvas.

The picture “Harvest. La Clos Valley ”depicts a fragment of rural life. In the village, peasants are engaged in daily affairs. In the midst of harvesting suffering, and the artist sought to show all its stages. The fertile southern land brought a good harvest. Hay is collected in a huge stack - at the top of it a peasant climbs the stairs.

In the foreground behind the uneven fence picket fence are small vegetable gardens with diverse vegetation. The figure of a person is shown here, but not completely drawn, but in a belt image. Another peasant is barely visible in the upper part of the canvas, he works in a field, part of which has already been removed.

Spacious fields stretching to the very mountains in the depths of the picture, small buildings located at some distance from each other, agricultural equipment - the picture seems to exude clean fresh air.

The high blue sky without a single cloud, the mountains in the distance, the expanse of fields, create a sense of fullness of life for the viewer, reverence for the endless generosity of nature.

The canvas is stored in the museum of the painter located in Amsterdam.

image: Public domain

By WuDong,  


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