Nu in art and painting

A Bride s Fantasy :: Georges Jules Victor Clairin

A Bride s Fantasy by artist Georges Jules Victor Clairin - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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Georges Jules Victor Clairin (1843-1919) A Bride s Fantasy

Oil on canvas (56.5 x 141 cm)( 22,2 x 55,4 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

Croatia. Feel The Summer While Staying In The Remarkable Pula Condominium

Before you go and buy a condominium in Pula, you should know a little bit about the zone. It is not best to spend huge money for the perfect condominium, especially if you're going to be in debt for generations just to get one under your name. I think most of us would like to live in this place.

Pula has always been the favorite spot of those foreign and americans who want to have a stable and fun lifestyle. Pula is [Expand]


User   User Rating: 400  March 22, 2019

Very attractive, pleasant picture, it charges with positive energy, sets on a wave of joy. In this fantasy composition, the girl is surrounded by various flowers and light fabric, like a veil. The author has added the faces of several babies, which implicitly symbolize angels. And in this environment, the girl, covered only with a thin white veil, seems like a divine being, a pure, immaculate creation, with natural beauty. Therefore, it is very harmonious with the surrounding plants, which also have [Expand]


lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 11, 2019

Tags: Nude girl, transparent fabric, kids, roses, flowers, branches, tree, leaves, female Breasts, blonde hair, blurred sky


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