Babies portraits in European Painting

Babies portraits in European Painting
Much of masterpieces with comments and detailed descriptions.

Babies portraits


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The Young Brood :: John Linnell
Babies portraits  - The Young Brood :: John Linnell
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Childhood :: Hugo Oehmichen
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En Penitence :: Emile Munier
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A Portrait Of Christian De Falbe, With A Saint Bernard At Luton Hoo :: Anders Zorn
Babies portraits  - A Portrait Of Christian De Falbe, With A Saint Bernard At Luton Hoo :: Anders Zorn

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User   User Rating: 400  June 21, 2018

Portraits of babies are always touching and make smile tenderly. Their heroes are always natural, sincere and radiate only good and joy. Portraits of small children are not very numerous, but this is probably right, they are valuable primarily for the baby's family, they are quite personal and not intended for the general public.


Diana   User Rating: 2075  November 29, 2019

Image for "Babies portraits in European Painting"

William Larkin. Portraits of the english aristocracy - the beginning of the 17th century -


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