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Image for "Flowers in art and painting"

artist: Paul Gauguin (1848 — 1903)

Public domain

"Still life with Laval's profile" - oil on canvas. The painting was painted in 1886 by the French artist Paul Gauguin. To date, the canvas is on display at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. The painting shows Gauguin's friend Charles Laval in profile, surrounded by inanimate objects. Among other items on the table is a ceramic pot that Paul Gauguin made with his own hands.

The description of the picture

The combination of portrait and still life in this case shows how skilfully Gauguin was able to draw all the best from the masters he admired. For example, a fragment of Laval's face in the painting is made in the manner of Edgar Degas (his works were characterized by asymmetric, strangely cropped compositions). The technique of still life, in which fruits are written in parallel strokes, can be compared to the works of Paul Caesan. In addition to performing his favorite artistic techniques, Gauguin added another detail from himself to this work. It was a ceramic vase, a strange, bizarre and even somewhat frightening shape, which Laval carefully examines in the picture.

Gauguin deliberately used the technique of two of the most famous representatives of the art Nouveau and still life genres at that time. At the same time, the artist did not seek to harmoniously embody these two techniques on the canvas. On the contrary, Gauguin leaves them in some disagreement, bringing the impression of incoherence of the composition. This is his first painting in a series of paintings that challenge creativity. Laval, as a spectator, tries to anticipate Gauguin's next move.

Image for "Historical scenes in painting and art"

The King gives the flags to the National Guard of Paris and the Banlieu (29 August 1830). 1834

Joseph-D?sir? Court - www.histoire-image,org (URL under moderation)/site/oeuvre/analyse.php?liste_analyse=2
Permission details: Public Domai
Image for "Cleopatra - art and painting"

Cl?op?tre by Andrea Solari

Andrea Solari ou Solario n? Andrea di Bartolo (1460-1524) ?tait un peintre italien de la Renaissance, membre de la famille

Solari, qui fut une dynastie d'architectes et d'artistes.

Il fut un des plus importants peintres de l'?cole de L?onard de Vinci.

Son fr?re Cristoforo Solari a ?t? son premier professeur. Andrea Sabbatini a ?t? de ses ?l?ves.

Source : wikipedia
Image for "Nude men in art and painting"

Joseph-D?sir? Court (1797–1865) Blue pencil.svg wikidata:Q2363367
Fran?ais : Une jeune fille venant trouver le fleuve Scamandre ou Nymphe et Faune au bain
Object type: painting
Date: 1824
Medium oil on canvas
Mus?e des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle d'Alen?on
Image for "Nude men in art and painting"

Joseph-D?sir? Court : La mort d'Hippolyte, 1828