Published: February 20, 2015

Cleopatra - art and painting

Cleopatra was the last queen of the Hellenistic Egypt from a Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty.

It was glorified thanks to a drama love story to the Roman commander Mark Anthony. In days of its board Egypt was subdued by Rome, Cleopatra committed suicide not to become the captive of the first Roman emperor Octavian Augustus. Cleopatra became one of the most popular antique characters in movies and literary works. Dozens of masterpieces.


The Death of Cleopatra :: Guido Cagnacci
The Death of Cleopatra :: Guido Cagnacci
Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Condemned Prisoners :: Alexandre Cabanel
Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Condemned Prisoners :: Alexandre Cabanel
Cleopatra and the Peasant :: Eug?ne Delacroix
Cleopatra and the Peasant :: Eug?ne Delacroix
Cleopatra :: Frank Dicksee
 Cleopatra :: Frank Dicksee
The Death Of Cleopatra :: Guido Cagnacci
The Death Of Cleopatra :: Guido Cagnacci
Cleopatra before Caesar :: Jean-Leon Gerome
Cleopatra before Caesar :: Jean-Leon Gerome
Cleopatra :: Orazio Gentleschi
Cleopatra :: Orazio Gentleschi
The death of Cleopatra :: Hans Makart
The death of Cleopatra :: Hans Makart
Journey on the Nile Cleopatra :: Hans Makart
Journey on the Nile Cleopatra :: Hans Makart
Cleopatra :: John William Waterhouse
Cleopatra :: John William Waterhouse


By Nikki,  


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Diana   User Rating: 2075  September 30, 2020

Image for "Cleopatra - art and painting"

Cl?op?tre by Andrea Solari

Andrea Solari ou Solario n? Andrea di Bartolo (1460-1524) ?tait un peintre italien de la Renaissance, membre de la famille

Solari, qui fut une dynastie d'architectes et d'artistes.

Il fut un des plus importants peintres de l'?cole de L?onard de Vinci.

Son fr?re Cristoforo Solari a ?t? son premier professeur. Andrea Sabbatini a ?t? de ses ?l?ves.

Source : wikipedia


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