Published: October 15, 2019

Contemporary genre painting

The term genre painting refers to paintings which depict scenes of everyday life.

Genre painting display scenes from the lives of different people, fictional or real characters. Some paintings with avid realistic seek to convey all the details of the plot of urban or rural life, while others on the contrary abstract from reality and can display the imagination of the artist or his reflections on a given topic.

Therefore, genre painting is suitable and important for describing significant events for all mankind.

Some examples of contemporary genre painting:

1. Street art - this can include murals, graffiti, and other forms of urban expression.
2. Pop art - characterized by bright colors, commercial imagery, and mass culture references.
3. Hyperrealism - an ultra-realistic style, often depicting everyday objects or scenes in painstaking detail.
4. Surrealism - a style that seeks to explore the subconscious mind and the boundaries between reality and fantasy.
5. Contemporary realism - a style that focuses on the contemporary world and its people, often depicting scenes from everyday life and popular culture.

By QuXi,  


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