Nu in art and painting

The Death of Cleopatra :: Guido Cagnacci

The Death of Cleopatra by artist Guido Cagnacci - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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Guido Cagnacci (19 January 1601 – 1663)

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

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Do you want to purchase your first apartment soon? Many buyers become constrained when trying to buy their first apartment. Is there such place in Europe?

These amenities and lively atmosphere has made Skofja Loka real estate most preferred among people looking to relocate in SloveniaPeople are more attracted towards this city because of its traditional and cultural appearance. A apartment is a personal and financial benefit. Skofja Loka [Expand]


User   User Rating: 400  March 24, 2019

An interesting canvas, where the author offers his vision of the moment of death of Cleopatra. It is known that this was happened on her own will, and indeed, the queen is depicted completely calm, without a hint of torment or fear. She looks relaxed and peaceful, completely satisfied with her decision and deed. Cleopatra is sitting on the chair as if she just fell asleep, but remains the full mistress, ruler. Her head is not lowered, but facing up, even after death she remains a queen who does not [Expand]


lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 11, 2019

Tags: female portrait, Nude, dark hair, wooden chair, blue leather upholstery, female Breasts, blonde hair, blue pants, gray wall, shadow, white shirt, gold buttons


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