Published: July 22, 2012


MODERNISM   (фр. modernisme, from, moderne - modern, the latest) - set of the unreal, avant-garde directions in art of 20 century. Term

 The MODERNISM became especially popular in the Soviet esthetics and criticism about the 2nd a floor. 1950th. In this concept the negative assessment directing attention to such features of avant-gardism, as refusal of classical tradition, subjectivity, destruction of mimetichesky figurativeness and logic of a form, a tendency of an absurdizm, cultivation of accidents, washing out of borders between art and reality was usually put. Often the MODERNISM was considered in the Soviet esthetics as direct charlatanism. That caused row response эстетиков and the critics considering avant-gardism (or a part it) as special option of realism of 20 century.

  MODERNISM - "other art", constructed on "return logic" (compared with traditional art); it represents the difficult spiritual structure generated "alienation society". Origin the MODERNISM as the phenomena of world art culture belongs to the 1860th - time of emergence of new tendencies in the European art (a frame design and reinforced concrete in architecture, impressionism origin in painting etc.);
in the first decades of 20 century. The modernism is connected with emergence of a number of the directions approving its principles (a fauvism, a cubism, constructivism, pointless art etc.); after the Second World War relay race of modernist searches was accepted by an abstract expressionism and pop art.

 Art the MODERNISM has programmno anti-authoritative, anti-traditional character. Important line the MODERNISM is hobby for formal and plastic, composite and coloristic problems of the art creativity which purpose creation of essentially original works bearing internal freedom and novelty of means of expression of graphic language admits. Each work is sovereign: it is an embodiment of special vision and understanding of world around the author.

  Since the end of the 1950th and especially in the 1960-1980th in western, and later and in domestic art culture there are the tendencies, resisting a MODERNISM, rejecting his program statement of novelty, the present and originality of the statement. See. Postmodernism.

By JenKiriakos,  


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