Published: May 29, 2018

Women's portraits by Kun Wang (Chinese painting)

Wang Kun is a modern Chinese artist, born in Jilin province in 1970. At the age of three, his legs were paralyzed due to poliomyelitis. He liked to paint since childhood, so he began to study in the elementary school of arts since he was seven, and started to show an extraordinary talent as an artist. Elementary education could not satisfy his strong desire to study painting, so the artist tried to level up his education by all means.

Unfortunately, his physical condition was a serious obstacle in his studies, so he had no choice but to learn how to draw on his own.

Thanks to the full support of his family and the encouragement of the other people, he tried his best to find and gather as many art-related sources as possible, and started the main stage of comprehensive and professional self-training soon. This self-study helped him to get solid basic drawing skills, and paved the way for his future art developments. At the same time, he studied Chinese painting, calligraphy, carving and many other fields of applied art.

In the mid-1980s, he changed the direction of studying and devoted himself and his creative potential to oil painting. After his work Harvest on Black Soil was published in the Art Panorama magazine, the artist developed the unique technique of painting in the genre of modern classical realism. He created his own artistic style in oil painting step by step. He came to Beijing in 1994, and became a professional artist. In 1998, he founded his own WangKun studio, where he paints in the genre of modern classical realism. Currently, Kun Wang lives in Beijing.

Paintings and the artist's website can be found through an Internet search.

By WuDong,  1893 Views


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