Published: June 20, 2019

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks (naturalism in painting)

Jules Bastien-Lepage ( Jules Bastien-Lepage, 1848 - 1884) - French artist, a representative of naturalism in painting. It was one of the first French artists who depicted peasant life in the spirit of naturalism.

This wonderful painter, whose friend and admirer of talent was Emile Zola, lived a short life - only 36 years - and, unfortunately, not well known in many countries. Meanwhile, despite of the short time allotted to him, he managed to create many masterpieces of realistic painting and to have a significant impact not only on French art, but also on European painting as a whole. In this collection, I tried to collect as many reproductions of his paintings in good quality as possible.

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks (naturalism in painting)


The French painter Bastien-Lepage was born on November 1, 1848, in Danville, Lorraine. He studied with Alexander Cabanel, then from 1867 — at the School of Fine Arts in Paris. At school, he became friends with the future artist — a realist, a thinker Pascal Danyan-Bouvet. After being seriously injured during the German-French War of 1870, he returned to his native village.

He regularly participated in exhibitions of the Salon and for the first time drew the attention of critics as the creator of the painting “Spring Song”, 1874.
Bastien-Lepage painted portraits, historical compositions (“The Vision of Joan of Arc”, 1880, Metropolitan Museum) but he the best known for paintings with scenes from the life of the Lorraine peasants.

Bastien-Lepage often resorted to the plain-air to enhance the lyrical expressiveness of images of people and nature (“Haymaking”, 1877, Louvre, Paris; “Village Love”, 1882, State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow; “Flower”, 1882). In 1875, the work “Annunciation to the Shepherds” (l'Annonciation aux bergers) allowed him to become the second in the competition for the Rome Prize.

He did not have time to fully express his talent, as he died at the age of 36 in his workshop in Paris. At the burial site in Danville, where there was an orchard, his brother Emile Bastien designed and built the park (Parc des Rainettes).
Emil, being already a famous architect, became a landscape painter after the death of his brother. In the churchyard, there is a bronze monument to Bastien-Lepage by Auguste Rodin.

In the works of the artist, depicting in all details the scenes of rural life, the simplicity and innocence of the manners of the villagers are praised with the sentimentality inherent in this era.

His paintings are placed in the largest museums of the world in Paris, London, New York, Melbourne, Philadelphia.

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Hayfield (1877) Harvest Jeanne d'Arc (1879) Ripe Wheat Portrait of a Girl (1882) Beggar (1880) On the Way to School (1882) Sleeping Little Peddler (1882) First Communion (1875) Portrait of Sary Bernard (1879) Portrait French philosopher Adolf Franck (1878) Portrait of a Woman Portrait of Achilles and Priam Diogenes (1873) Children of the Fisherman (1881) All Saints Day (1882) There is nothing to do (1881) The London shoe polisher (1882) The London saleswoman of flowers (1882)
Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks (naturalism in painting)

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks (naturalism in painting)

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks (naturalism in painting)

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks (naturalism in painting)

Painter Bastien-Lepage - artworks (naturalism in painting)

PPS - Biography

Monument to Jules Bastienne-Lepage. Author - O. Rodin.

By tururu,  1548 Views


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